(1) According to the form of trademark, it can be divided into word mark, graphic trademark and graphic combination trademark.
(2) According to the use and function of trademarks, they can be divided into commodity trademarks and service trademarks.
(3) According to the difference between trademark owners and users, it can be divided into manufacturing trademarks, selling trademarks and collective trademarks.
(4) According to the management mode of trademarks, they can be divided into registered trademarks and unregistered trademarks.
(5) According to the motives of trademark users, it can be divided into joint trademarks, defensive trade mark and certification trademarks.
(6) According to the meaning of trademarks, they can be divided into meaningful trademarks and meaningless trademarks.
(7) According to the way in which trademarks are used, they can be divided into main trademarks, sub-trademarks, commodity group trademarks and specific commodity trademarks.
(8) According to the carrier classification of trademarks, they can be divided into plane trademarks and three-dimensional trademarks.
Trademarks 1, 5, 25, 30, 32 are these types of distinguishing digital codes.