Mobile phone screen films belong to the 0907 group, Category 9 of the trademark classification;
How to choose other minor categories when registering:
1. Select registration (mobile phone case) , group number: 0907) There are 4 trademarks in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 4.82%
2. Choose to register (telephone cover, group number: 0907). There are 4 trademarks in the category, and the registration rate is 4.82%.
2. Accounting for 4.82%
3. Select to register (Battery, Group No.: 0922) There are 4 trademarks in the category, accounting for 4.82%
4. Select to register ( There are 3 trademarks in the category "USB data cable, group number: 0912", and the registration ratio reaches 3.61%
5. There are 3 trademarks in the category "mobile phone leather case, group number: 0907". There are 3 trademarks selected for registration (charger, group number: 0922), and the registration ratio reaches 3.61%
7 . There are 3 trademarks selected for registration (input stylus, group number: 0901), accounting for 3.61%. 8. Select registration (mobile phone bag, group number: 0907) category There are 3 trademarks, and the registration ratio reaches 3.61%
9. There are 3 trademarks selected for registration (headphones, group number: 0908), and the registration ratio reaches 3.61%
10. There are 3 trademarks selected for registration (tablet leather case, group number: 0901), accounting for 3.61% of the total.