Color differences.
The colors of the trademarks are white, gold, and black. They are only different in color. There is no difference in actual meaning. It is just that the background color is different. What is important is the information recorded on the trademark and whether the size is your own. Whether the code number and safety are within controllable range, and whether the fabric material is reliable. The color of the trademark is mostly white or black when the merchant registers it. You can use other colors when using it. However, if the trademark color is specified during registration, the color cannot be changed. More often than not, gold label, white label, and black label are labels used to match the appropriate color of clothing.
Clothes white label, gold label, and black label are all trademarks of clothes, which means that some basic information about the clothes is written on them. Generally speaking, the brand of clothes, product name, and item number will be written on the trademark. Execution standards, fabric composition, specifications, maintenance methods, etc. Many coat trademarks are relatively simple, but they also basically include specifications, ingredients, fabrics, product execution standards, safety technology categories, etc.
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