Instalment pass limit is RMB 200,000, and the handling fee is calculated according to the following method.
Instalment pass can generally choose 6/12/18/24/36/48/60 installments (monthly ) for installment payment, you need to pay the handling fee for the corresponding number of installments. The handling fee is charged monthly, with a monthly handling fee of 0.5%. Apply for Dragon Card credit card installment business before March 31, 2019 (subject to the date of submission of Dragon Card Credit Card Installment Application), Liaoning (except Dalian), Guangxi, Shandong (except Qingdao), Hubei, Guizhou, Gansu, Jiangsu, Shenzhen, and Hebei , Shanghai, Jilin, Zhejiang, Xiamen, Hunan, Henan, and Tianjin customers can enjoy a 10% discount on the handling rate, and the monthly handling rate after the discount is only 0.45%; customers in Chongqing, Qingdao, Shaanxi, Fujian (except Xiamen), and Beijing You can enjoy a 20% discount on the handling rate. After the discount, the monthly handling rate is only 0.4%. The amount of handling fee payable by the cardholder in each installment = actual installment amount × monthly handling fee. The handling fee will be recorded monthly based on the number of transactions, starting from the first statement date after the transaction is completed, and will be fully included in the minimum credit card repayment amount. If you repay the current repayment amount listed on the bill in full before the due payment date, you will enjoy interest-free treatment for the principal repayment in that month's installment, and no interest will be charged.