If you can't repay the loan, you won't go to jail, but you will be blacklisted by the bank, and it is difficult to get another loan or something. Don't think it's easy to be unable to repay. The liquidated damages caused by overdue credit cards will still be counted, and the bank will look for you as soon as you have money. To put it bluntly, the money will not be in the bank card for more than one day in the future.
Refusal to pay is serious because it has violated the criminal law. Could go to jail.
In order to prevent credit card fraud from being jailed, we should do the following after the credit card is overdue for a long time:
First, keep the contact information open so that the bank can contact you;
Second, change some money more or less every month, even if it is more than ten dollars;
Third, negotiate repayment with the bank. You can use flexible installment repayment to avoid the bank charging you every day.
Fourth, have the ability to pay back the money as soon as possible and avoid discrediting the credit information.