1, your credit record is getting worse and worse, which will also lead to low credit evaluation and become a credit stain. Bad credit information will be uploaded to the personal credit information system of the People's Bank of China, which will be tainted in various systems across the country. You can't apply for credit cards or loans in the future;
The bank will sue you for repayment. If you don't pay back, the court will force you to pay back.
You pay by credit card in installments, and the bank will pay you a late fee, so you need to pay more and more money. If it reaches a certain limit, notify the card owner. If you still owe money, you will call the police to sue.
pay by Installments
Installment payment is mostly used for some product transactions with long production cycle and high cost. Such as the export of complete sets of equipment, large vehicles and heavy machinery and equipment. Installment payment means that after the import and export contract is signed, the importer pays a small part of the payment to the exporter as a down payment, and most of the rest is paid in installments after part or all of the products are produced and shipped, or after the goods are installed, debugged, invested and guaranteed.