Is Ping An Credit Card suitable for young people? Young people can apply for Ping An Bank's credit cards. Anyone with a stable job income and good credit can apply. However, there are many types of Ping An Credit Card, so it is not suitable for everyone. Applicants should decide whether to apply based on their own needs. Usually young people who apply for Ping An credit cards usually choose these types of cards: 1. Ping An Bank Car Owner Card. For new accounts, you can make any purchase in the first month and the next month. For old customers, you can make 4 purchases of 388 yuan in the same month. You can enjoy a 12% discount on refueling, with a maximum cash rebate of 720 yuan throughout the year; you can enjoy the 1.1 million safety car accident guarantee on the day after the first purchase, unlimited free road rescue services within 30 kilometers every day, and spend on WeChat and Alipay Points are available. 2. Ping An Bank iQiyi Credit Card, you can get iQiyi VIP gold membership by swiping the card once, and you will continue to get iQiyi VIP gold membership if you make 3 transactions every month for 188 yuan. If you meet the standard every month, you can get the iQiyi VIP gold membership. You can accumulate Wanlitong points by spending online. , if you apply for a platinum card, you can also enjoy flight delay insurance of 800 yuan per time within 2 hours and comprehensive traffic accident protection of 10 million yuan. 3. The Ping An Bank card is yours, and it is very attractive. You can choose from more than 50 cards such as Chinese Super League, 100,000 Bad Jokes, and National Assault. You can freely customize it from movie viewing, food, sports and other rights. The maximum limit is 50,000, for life. There is no annual fee, and you can earn points by spending on WeChat and Alipay, which can be redeemed for coupons, phone recharge cards and physical gifts. The above is the relevant introduction of "Is Ping An Credit Card suitable for young people?" I hope it will be helpful to everyone.