Credit cards can be repaid at any time between the statement date and the repayment date. The billing date refers to the date when the bank sends us a debt statement, and the repayment date is the final date of repayment.
Credit card repayment methods generally include:
1. Repayment through the card issuer’s APP: After the cardholder downloads the card issuer’s APP, he or she can bind a credit card with sufficient balance to it. Debit card. In this way, you can make credit card repayments through the card issuer's APP before the repayment date arrives.
2. Repayment by automatic repayment business: If you also apply for a savings card at the bank that handles credit cards, you can open the automatic repayment business, and automatic repayment can be achieved when the balance in the savings card is sufficient;
3. Bank counter repayment: Cardholders can go to bank branches with their credit cards, ID cards and cash and handle credit card repayment at the counter.
4. ATM repayment: You can repay by depositing money at the ATM machine of the credit card issuing bank;
5. Third-party platform repayment: Alipay, WeChat, Duxiaoman Third-party platforms such as finance can also pay back credit cards.