The local currency of the Maldives is Rufiyaa (Rufiyaa abbreviated as Rf), also known as Maldives Rupee (Maldives Rupee), abbreviated as MVR, and its subsidiary currency is Laari, which is issued by the Maldives Monetary Authority.
Although the official currency of the Maldives is the rafiyaa, the U.S. dollar is the most widely circulated currency in Maldives resort hotels and airports.
Customs stipulates that each person can carry a maximum of 20,000 yuan or equivalent foreign currency equivalent to 5,000 US dollars, so the currency exchanged is sufficient.
You don’t need to bring a lot of cash when traveling in the Maldives. All islands in the Maldives use credit cards for settlement, such as American Express, Diners Club, Euro Card, and MasterCard. Credit cards, Visa are accepted. The most common ones are visa, MasterCard and US dollar cash. Other cards cannot be used in some islands. The capital Male is accessible to all three, so there is no need to exchange the local currency of Malé.
UnionPay cards can currently be used on a small number of resort islands, but because the currency conversion fee is not cost-effective, fewer tourists choose to use UnionPay cards for settlement.