Minimum repayment requirements for Ping An Bank's credit cards\x0d\The minimum repayment policy for Ping An Bank's credit cards is not exactly the same as the minimum repayment policies of other banks. The minimum repayment for Ping An Bank's credit cards can be the total repayment amount. 5%, here is a brief introduction to the rules for the minimum repayment amount of Ping An Credit Card to be only 5%. \x0d\After successfully applying for minimum repayment with Ping An Bank Credit Card, if your first month's repayment amount is greater than or equal to the minimum repayment amount, the minimum repayment amount for the next month will automatically be reduced from 10% to 5%. \x0d\Minimum repayment amount = consumption within the credit limit * proportional coefficient (5% or 10%) \x0d\\x0d\100% of the cash advance transaction amount\x0d\\x0d\The minimum repayment amount in the previous period has not been paid 100% of part\x0d\\x0d\100% of annual fee\x0d\\x0d\Other fees and interest *proportional factor (5% or 10%)\x0d\\x0d\Consumption exceeding the credit limit*proportional coefficient ( 5% or 10%)