if you apply for multiple credit cards in a short time, it may lead to multiple credit inquiries. This is because every time you apply for a credit card, you need an independent credit inquiry from the bank to evaluate your credit status. Every credit inquiry will leave a record in your personal credit report.
however, generally speaking, even if you apply for multiple credit cards in a short time, the impact on your credit score is limited. Credit scoring models usually treat the same type of credit inquiry (such as credit card application) as one inquiry to avoid unnecessary punishment. Therefore, in this case, multiple inquiries may not have a significant negative impact on your credit score.
However, in order to avoid unnecessary credit inquiry, it is suggested that when applying for a credit card, you should carefully choose the bank and credit card products that suit your needs, and make sure that you meet the application requirements of the bank before submitting the application. This can reduce the number of unnecessary applications and credit inquiries.