Recently. A friend encountered something strange while repaying his loan. Obviously I have made purchases with the card this month, but the minimum repayment amount on the credit card bill is shown as 0. What's going on?
A credit card minimum repayment amount of 0 means that the credit card currently has no outstanding balance, and subsequent cardholders do not need to repay the balance and will not be overdue. The following situations will result in the credit card not having to be repaid even if there is consumption:
1. The refund will be credited to the account to offset the outstanding balance. After making an online purchase with a card, I was dissatisfied with the goods I received or the service I received, so I applied for a credit card refund. If the credit card refund is received before the billing date, it will be automatically deducted from the current credit card bill. When the credit card refund ≥ the current credit card bill balance, it is natural that there is no need to repay, so it makes sense that the minimum credit card repayment amount is displayed as 0.
2. Handled the credit card bill installment. Some cardholders have not owed any debts on their credit cards before. When the current bill came out, they divided the entire amount of the debt in installments. Because it can be 100% installment, after applying for installment, the minimum repayment will be displayed as 0 yuan, and there is no need to repay this period, etc. The payment will be due after the bill comes out next month.
3. Pay off the balance before the bill date. Some cardholders like to make 0 bills to reduce their debt ratio, so after overdrafting their credit card for consumption, they rush to pay off the balance before the current bill comes out. After the bill comes out, the total amount owed and the minimum repayment amount are both 0. , so you don’t have to pay back the money, and then the money you paid back can be slowly withdrawn.