You cannot use a credit card to buy a house, because credit cards can only be used for daily expenses such as shopping, dining, and traveling, and buying a house is not among them. Moreover, banks also have relevant regulations that prohibit credit card funds from flowing into real estate. If a user violates the rules and uses a credit card to buy a house, the transaction may fail, and the credit card may even be subject to bank reduction or card blocking. If you use a credit card to pay the down payment for a house, the bank will also detect it, causing the mortgage application to be rejected.
What are the things to note when buying a house?
1. Act within your ability and do not overdraft
In the context of a financial crisis, accidents may happen at any time. Therefore, everyone must guard against risks and do not overdraft to buy a house. Once an accident occurs, it is difficult to sell the house. Otherwise, you have to pay a huge price, and the gain outweighs the loss. It is safer to reserve more funds.
2. You can purchase new houses through other channels other than the sales department
Due to unfavorable sales, developers are racking their brains to find various sales channels. In addition to second-hand housing intermediaries, some developers will also conduct some group buying activities through the media, banks, large enterprises, etc. These channels can generally provide much better discounts than the sales department, which is also the main way for developers to “secretly reduce prices” in this embarrassing situation.
3. Try to consider second-hand and new houses
It can be seen, touched, and real. It is much safer than off-plan housing. After the country reduced the business tax collection on second-hand houses from 5 years to 2 years, the advantages of these sub-new houses were clearly reflected. I recently talked with the CEOs of Yuxing and other large second-hand housing agency companies, and they revealed that the impact of this policy on the market has been quite obvious. This kind of sub-new house can not only avoid the danger of unfinished property but also has the quality of a new house, so it is natural that it is popular.
4. Try to avoid problematic developers
At present, the capital chain situation of most developers is relatively safe. However, in recent times, there have been more and more problems regarding the quality of various real estate projects or housing deliveries. For some blindly expanding and weak developers, the risk of capital chain rupture is increasing, and the risk of unfinished real estate projects is also increasing. Therefore, when buying off-plan property, be sure to choose a brand developer, which will provide higher security.
5. When buying a second-hand house, you must dare to "haggle"
Since I recommend everyone to buy a second-hand house, let me tell you some tips on buying a second-hand house. After looking at an area, first have an understanding of the basic housing prices in this area. After looking at a house with one agent, never look at the same house with another agent. This will make the landlord think that there are many people wanting to buy his house, and he will not be able to negotiate a lower price. After seeing the house you like, you must dare to bargain. In order to obtain premium income, the intermediary will often quote a higher price. It is best to show an attitude that there are several houses to choose from. This will easily prompt the landlord to lower the price.