No. Usually not, usually new credit cards need to be activated. Submit all your personal information, such as your ID number, home address, card number, your name, work address, work name, etc. These are submitted to the bank when you apply for the card. If there is an inaccurate entry submitted the card will not be activated.
1. Call the CCB Credit Card Center. After receiving the credit card, it needs to be activated before it can be used. Activation requires the phone number registered in the application form to verify the identity through the ID number. Others can use it as long as they can pass the identity verification. The problem is that the person who gets your credit card also knows your ID number and owns your mobile phone? Credit card, ID number, and designated phone number must be present at the same time to activate. All are indispensable.
2. If the China Post registered mail fails to arrive successfully, a registered mail slip will usually be left in your mailbox. You can go to the post office to collect it yourself with the registered mail slip. If no one picks it up for a long time, Then the card will be returned to the CCB Credit Card Center, so they will notify you via text message. It doesn't matter. You can call the CCB Credit Card Center and contact the manual customer service to check whether the address is correct, and then apply for resending. No one else will have access to your card. After the credit card is processed, it must be activated before it can be used. Credit card, The ID number and designated phone number must be present at the same time to activate the credit card. They are indispensable. Therefore, it is impossible for others to use your credit card. Now when receiving a credit card, you need to go to the bank with your ID card and provide information for review.
3. It is usually returned. This bank system can also be queried, so the return will be returned to the place where the bank issued the card. Don’t worry. In addition, someone else will get your unactivated card. It is generally difficult for outsiders to activate. It requires your card application information and your mobile phone number, so don’t worry. Normally, it doesn't matter. Even if someone else holds your card, without your information, it cannot be verified and the card cannot be opened. It is recommended that you call CCB customer service to inquire about the situation.
4. Usually no, usually new credit cards need to be activated. Submit all your personal information, such as your ID number, home address, card number, your name, work address, work name, etc. These are submitted to the bank when you apply for the card. If there is an inaccurate entry submitted the card will not be activated. If someone knows this information about you, it is possible that your card could be used to steal it.