You can apply for deferment of repayment. Credit card repayments have a grace period of several days. If you do not repay after the grace period, it will be considered overdue, which will affect your personal credit report. You can call the credit card phone number to apply for a deferment of repayment, explaining the reason for the deferment of repayment, the time of deferment of repayment, etc. The time is determined based on review. Credit cards refer to various media that record cardholder account information, have bank credit lines and overdraft functions, and provide cardholders with related banking services. The earliest credit card appeared at the end of the 19th century. In the 1880s, the British clothing industry developed the so-called credit card. The tourism and commercial sectors also followed this trend. However, the card can only be used for short-term commercial credit, and the money must be used as needed. Pay as you go, cannot be in arrears for a long time, and there is no credit limit.