The difference between the billing period and the repayment date of a credit card. The billing date means that the card-issuing bank will regularly summarize and settle the various transactions, expenses, etc. that occurred in your credit card account in the current period every month, and settle the balance. Calculate interest, calculate the total amount you owe for the current period and the minimum repayment amount, and send you a statement. This date is your credit card statement date.
The repayment due date refers to the last date on which the credit card issuing bank requires the cardholder to return the amount due. That is to say, after the card-issuing bank issues the bill, you should pay off all the fees you have consumed before the due payment date.
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CreditCard, also called credit card. It is a non-cash transaction payment method and a simple credit service.
Credit cards stipulated in the relevant laws of our country ("Interpretation of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the Provisions on Credit Cards of the People's Republic of China and the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China") refer to those issued by commercial banks or other financial institutions. It is an electronic payment card with all or part of the functions of consumer payment, credit loan, transfer settlement, cash deposit and withdrawal, etc. On December 1, 2017, the "English Translation and Writing Standards in the Public Service Field" was officially implemented, stipulating that the standard English name of credit cards is CreditCard.
A credit card is generally a special carrier plastic card with a length of 85.60 mm, a width of 53.98 mm, and a thickness of 1 mm. The name of the card issuer, validity period, number, cardholder name, etc. are printed on the front, and there is a chip on the back. Magnetic strip, signature strip. Cardholders can use their credit cards to shop and spend money with special entities and deposit and withdraw cash from banks.
There is no need to pay cash when making purchases with a credit card. Repayment will be made on the billing date (BillingDate).
Credit cards are divided into credit cards and quasi-credit cards. Credit cards refer to credit cards in which the cardholder has a certain credit limit and can consume within the credit limit and then repay; quasi-credit card It refers to a quasi-credit card in which the cardholder deposits a certain amount of reserve fund as required. When the reserve account balance is insufficient to pay, the cardholder can overdraw within the specified credit limit. The so-called credit card generally refers to a credit card only.
Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia Credit Card