First of all, the credit limit of your credit card is divided into two parts, one is the credit limit, 3000 yuan, and the other is the installment limit, which is the same as the cash limit you borrowed in advance. Generally, this number is less than 3000.
And when you pay by installment, they are not taking out the amount after playing by installment. But your installment payment must be greater than what you want to buy before you can pay by installment. For example, if the thing you want to buy is 6000 yuan, then the installment amount of your credit card must be greater than the purchase amount before you can buy it in installments.
My credit card limit is 5000 yuan, and the withdrawal limit is 2000 yuan. I used to want to buy a notebook of more than 6 thousand. In Gome, machines are optimistic. When you are ready to pay, you can't pass the installment payment. Later, someone told me about this situation.