This needs explanation. When your credit limit is not enough to pay the full amount, you cannot buy it. Credit card installment payment means that after you pay the full amount at once, you can repay it in installments. Instead of deducting 183 yuan from your card in each installment, 4,302 yuan will be deducted at once, and then only 183 yuan will be replaced in each installment. Generally speaking, if you purchase items in a credit card mall and apply for installment directly, the handling fee is not fixed, but it is usually much lower than calling directly to apply for installment. Therefore, there is no way to determine the handling fee for you. According to your From the description, 183 yuan per period includes the handling fee, and the total repayment amount over 24 months is 4,392 yuan, so the total handling fee should be 90 yuan, which means that every month you pay your credit card On the billing day, a handling fee will be incurred, and the 183 yuan you repay is already the principal + handling fee. The monthly handling fee is 3.75 yuan.
If your limit is 3,000 yuan, it is recommended to increase the temporary limit first. After it is higher than 4,302, it should be possible to purchase. You can also consult customer service for more details.
Hope this helps.