Risk analysis of asset loss
Bosera cash treasure Currency A was established in September 20 14, and is a monetary fund issued by Bosera Fund Company. When the fund assets are entrusted to ICBC, safe investors can rest assured that the fund assets are relatively safe except for investment losses.
Risk analysis of principal loss
Money fund is not a financial product with guaranteed capital, and it does not promise the minimum expected income, nor does it guarantee the safety of principal. In history, money funds have suffered losses, and some money funds have experienced negative expected returns for ten thousand expected returns, but this situation has not lasted long and has little impact. Since Bosera cash treasure Currency was established four years ago, there has been no loss of principal, and the expected return of 1 10,000 shares per day has been positive, so the risk of principal loss is relatively small.
Risk analysis of expected income loss
The expected rate of return of the money fund fluctuates every day, so the expected rate of return of investing in Bo Shi and cash treasure A changes every day. Judging from Bosera cash treasure's portfolio, the risk of monetary assets accounting for bond assets accounting for monetary assets is generally low, and the bonds invested by the fund are bank bonds, so the possibility of default is not great, so the risk of loss of expected income of Bosera cash treasure is not high.
As can be seen from the analysis of the above three aspects,
Bosera cash treasure A's investment risk is low, and it is more likely to get back the principal and expected income eventually.
Investors need not worry too much.