The choice of stormtroopers must be a three-layer laminate, and the basic waterproof performance is about 5000 to 8000. Polar regions have domestic brands of Kellogg Jixing.
The backpack Kitty Hawk can range from 60L to 80L. The bag mainly depends on whether the strength is at the waist. This is very important.
Shoes (personally, this is the most important) You need your feet for hiking and mountaineering. If you have a good pair of shoes, it goes without saying that you can understand. Not ordinary sports shoes can be replaced. I've experienced it myself. Personally, I think Italian brands are good. Las Botiva AKU are all good brands, some are expensive and some are cheap. See how you choose.
Tent, if you don't need to camp in the mountains, a tent in the cold mountain is usually enough. But when choosing a tent, you must buy a double or multi-layer one. You'll feel bad if you don't.