Because the seller’s store name contains a trademark that someone else has applied for registration. Taobao store name infringement refers to the seller using someone else’s registered trademark when choosing the store name. If the other party's trademark application date is earlier than that of the seller, and the seller's store products are the same as the products approved for use with the trademark, it means that the seller has violated the store name infringement.
1. Why was Taobao determined to be a trademark infringement?
Taobao store name infringement means that the seller uses someone else’s registered trademark when choosing the store name.
Because there is a trademark that someone else has applied for registration in the seller’s store name, and the other party’s trademark application date is earlier than the seller’s, and the products in the seller’s store are the same as the products approved for use with the trademark, it means that the seller has violated the law. Store name infringement.
2. Sellers who want to avoid store name infringement can follow the following pitfall avoidance tips.
1. Scientific and intelligent naming
When sellers name their stores, they can use big data analysis technology to scientifically name their stores.
For example, the store name is chosen from various data such as Internet celebrity words, industry high-frequency words, and psychological data displayed in big data.
2. Good-sounding and connotative
Sellers should choose a good-sounding and connotative store name. A short store name without being tacky can help customers remember your store name better and bring a deeper understanding of the store name. memory.
The next time I come to buy, I can search for your store at once. For example, Haidilao, Haocairai, this type of store name is easy to remember and sounds good.
3. Reflect the characteristics of the industry
The seller’s store name must reflect the characteristics of the industry the seller’s store is engaged in. Customers can know what you are selling when they see the store name, and they can Let customers find things that correspond to their needs and at the same time stimulate customers' thoughts of purchasing.