French wine law stipulates that only a few specific grape varieties are cultivated in a few locations in the Charentes and Charente-Maritime regions, and the distillate is obtained by direct fire distillation using pot stills. , stored in oak barrels and aged for several years, only distilled spirits that have been matured for several years are approved to use the trademark "Cognac". Distilled spirits brewed using the same method in other regions cannot be used. "Cognac\" name.
For example, on the bottles of French Cognac (brandy), you can often see the following mark:
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Mark the full English name for remarks
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Three Stars us you in us in in ininginging Below.
V.S.O.P. Very Superior Old Pale Old
V.V.S.O. Very Very Special Old Pale
V.S.O.D. Very Superior Old Dark (The wine is served in wooden barrels and absorbs the tannins dissolved in the barrels) The ingredients make the wine change from colorless to
brown. The longer the time, the darker the color of the wine.
Hence the name. >
Commonly found in the US market
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How to express the sugar content of seven French champagne wines:
EXTRA-SEC Sugar content is one to two percent
SEC Sugar content Two to five percent
DEMI-SEC Four to six percent sugar content
DOUX Eight to ten percent sugar content