Personalized signature means that after you register in a BBS, you can set your own signature, that is, the text displayed at the bottom of each post with your personalized signature looks like a post-it. Because the text written by each netizen is different, there are aphorisms, proverbs, teasing statements, etc., and pictures and animations are also used as signatures. QQ personalized signature is to show your personality, happiness, anger, sadness and happiness, so it is called personalized signature. Everyone has a different mood every day, every hour, every minute, every second. Artistic signature, also known as "signature design", is the beautification and artistry of personal names. It is not the invention of modern people, it has existed since ancient times, and our predecessors called it "flower bet" With the rapid development of social economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the trend of paperless office is becoming more and more obvious, and the opportunities for people to write and write are gradually decreasing. The pen, paper and writing skills, which have always been closely related to literati, are gradually alienated from us. But at any time, there are always a few words that can't be released, and that is signature.