Only when the credit card is overdue for 3 months or more can it be included in the list of untrustworthy people. Because it is overdue for more than 3 months, the bank will sue the user in court. The court will sentence the user to compulsory execution, and if the user refuses, the court will list the user as a person who has lost his trust. Users who repay after the court decision will not become untrustworthy.
Therefore, to be a person who has broken his promise, many conditions need to be met at the same time, and the overdue credit card for more than 3 months is only one of them.
Credit card overdue solution
1. If the cardholder forgets to repay and finds it overdue, he must repay as soon as possible, preferably in full. Call the bank's credit card center and declare the non-malicious arrears. If the overdue time is short, the bank may not calculate the bad record;
2. When the credit card cannot be repaid due to unemployment, illness and other reasons, before the repayment period, the cardholder should take the initiative to get in touch with the bank credit card center to explain his financial situation, declare that he is not in bad faith, and apply for deferred repayment or installment repayment;
3. When the cardholder voluntarily applies for deferred repayment, the bank will often agree to defer repayment, and the bank and the cardholder will agree on a repayment plan acceptable to both parties. In this way, the bank will not record bad records, but it must repay on time after applying for an extension;
4. Credit card repayment information The central bank's credit information system rolls for 24 months, and the credit card overdue repayment record will be kept in the credit information system for two years. If the card is found to be cancelled directly after it is overdue, the information will not scroll, but will be kept for a long time. Therefore, after the cardholder is overdue, it is best not to cancel the credit card immediately. It is best to stick to it for more than 2 years and then maintain a good credit record.