In addition, the initial credit card limit is also related to the bank, credit card type and card level selected by the applicant. Generally, it is the credit card of joint-stock commercial banks such as CITIC, China Everbright, Guangfa and Xingye. A higher amount will be given at the beginning. Some high-end credit cards, such as gold cards and platinum cards, have higher initial quotas, and of course, the requirements for handling cards are also high.
To apply for a credit card, you need to provide the following application materials:
First, you need an ID card, followed by social security or work certificate (it can be a business card, work card, factory label, etc. ), or other bank credit cards that have been used for 6 months. It is best to provide other materials to prove your financial resources, such as driving license and real estate license, which will help increase the quota. Bank running bills can also be referred to.