Nowadays, credit cards have become a part of life. Almost everyone has one or more bank credit cards. Credit cards can not only be used for interest-free and overdraft consumption, but also provide loan services. So let’s take a look at how to get a Minsheng Bank credit card loan? Is the loan limit high with a Minsheng Bank credit card?
There are two main situations for Minsheng Bank credit card loans. The first is cash withdrawal, and the second is cash installment. Let me introduce to you two types of credit card loans.
Withdrawing cash by Minsheng Bank credit card
Withdrawing cash by Minsheng Bank credit card will incur a certain handling fee. Cash withdrawal by credit card is limited to those who have emergency needs for cash and can repay within a short period of time. Withdrawing cash from a credit card means withdrawing and using the credit limit of the credit card.
Minsheng Bank Credit Card Cash Installment
Minsheng Bank Credit Card Cardholders submit business applications to the bank, and the bank will transfer the approved amount to the debit card in the name of the cardholder after review. Cardholders must return the money in installments, and the bank charges a certain handling fee. The amount of cash installment is generally more than 50,000 yuan, and can reach up to more than 200,000 yuan, but it is not easy to apply for it. Generally, only customers with good credit and frequent card swiping habits can apply.
Minsheng Bank credit card loan conditions:
①Have a local household registration or fixed residence;
②The main card applicant must have a legitimate occupation or stable income;
③Applicants for the main card must be over 18 years old; applicants for supplementary cards must be over 13 years old.
To sum up, if Minsheng Bank’s credit card loan methods are different, the amount obtained will be different. If you choose to use a credit card to apply for a cash installment loan, the loan amount ranges from 50,000 to 200,000, which is relatively high. The above is the relevant introduction to Minsheng Bank’s credit card loans. If you want to know more information, you can follow the website.